​Continuous Beam Frame
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Continuous Beam Frame
Durable frame option with virtually any width, height and interior column placement
Where interior support columns are acceptable, as in vast production or storage areas, our continuous beam system would be the right choice. If your building plan allows interior columns, we can provide a quality structure at lower cost with our Continuous Beam frame. Continuous Beam frames can be designed for center ridge, off center ridge or single slope. Roof pitch can be as low as 1/4:12.
Provides the greatest space at the lowest cost per square foot
Allows total flexibility in locating interior columns
Enables any eave or width height
Accommodates interior column spaces of 100' or more
Product ID: Continuous Beam Metal Framing System
With Continuous Beam frames, virtually any width or eave height can be achieved. Our custom concept approach to design allows builders to use Continuous Beam framing in conjunction with other metal framing systems (such as Open Web or Rigid Frame) to provide owners the most economical solution. Continuous Beam frames can also be used with other systems including block, tilt-up, or conventional steel framing. This high strength 55 KSI steel primary framing system consists of straight or tapered sidewall columns and 3-plate interior columns, with options for pipe and tube columns, to support loads across the entire width of the building. Interior column spaces can reach 100’ or more in increments of 1/16”. Continuous Beam frames can be designed to accept almost any specified snow and wind loads and crane loads. Works well with either purlins or bar-joist. Any girt placement can be utilized, including flush-mount, inset or outset. Materials are factory coated with a rust inhibitor primer. Frames arrive ready to erect and paint. Backed by industry leading warranty for material and workmanship.