Panel Rib Wall System
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Panel Rib Wall System
Durable, economical metal wall solution designed for easy installation
For economy, our Panel Rib Wall System beats wood, concrete or masonry alternatives. Self drilling, color matched stainless steel capped fasteners and a 36" panel width give you rapid, economical installation. The Panel Rib Wall System comes in lengths up to 43', which can provide a continuous wall panel from foundation to eave. This eliminates the need for end laps and assures you of wall integrity and weather tightness. These metal wall panels are available in 14 standard KXL finish colors and a variety of custom colors. 26 gauge is standard, but you also have the option of 22 or 24 gauge.
Variety of gauge thicknesses to meet most codes and specifications
Superior paint finishes reduces maintenance costs
Eliminates the need for base trim, and accelerates installation
Product ID: Panel Rib Wall System
The Panel Rib Wall System is our most economical wall system. In fact, this wall system is more economical than wood, concrete or masonry alternatives. The Panel Rib wall panels come standard in 26 gauge steel, with 24 gauge or 22 gauge options. The panel is 36” wide with 1-1/4” high ribs. It is available in lengths up to 41’ which can provide a continuous panel from foundation to eave. This can eliminate the need for end laps and assures you of wall integrity and weather tightness. The panels are attached with self drilling, color matched fasteners. The Williams Building Group offers an exclusive crimped base Panel Rib option, which saves installation time and cost of material, because it eliminates the need for notched metal or rubber closures. Using this panel also saves the building owner the need for painted base trim. And once constructed, crimping and notching reduces access for uninvited pests. Crimped Base Panel Rib affords no openings for birds and varmints to nest. Panel Rib can effectively utilize blanket insulation as well as up to 2-1/2” of rigid board insulation. We can assist you in selecting the optimal insulation approach, considering up front costs and long term energy savings. All gauges of Panel Rib are available in fourteen (14) standard colors with KXL finishes. The KXL paint system is a PVDF finish applied to the zinc or zinc aluminum coated steel to give a long life color that resists fading and chalking. KXL is a 1 mil nom. PVDF finish with 70% Kynar 500 or Hylar 5000 standard. This product meets the highest standards and certifications in the industry, including IAS and Miami-Dade County, Florida Product Approvals.