Deck Frame Roofing System
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Deck Frame Roofing System
Combines advantages of pre-engineered system with membrane roof
The Deck Frame Roofing System is the first metal building roofing solution specifically designed to incorporate a membrane roof with a pre-engineered metal building. It combines the efficiency, speed and economy of steel systems construction with the aesthetic performance of a membrane roof system.
Meets architectural requirements for EPDM/membrane roof
Owners can use a single source for both metal and non-metal building elements
Ensures building is designed and manufactured accommodating required interior clearances and roof supports
Product ID: Deck Frame Roofing System
This ground breaking framing alternative combines the benefits of steel systems construction with conventional membrane roofing providing an effective building systems solutions for a variety of commercial, industrial and municipal building projects. The design and engineering enables us to deliver complete structural materials for buildings that require membrane / EPDM roofing. With the Deck Frame Roofing System, you will save time in sourcing and specifying. Plus, your projects will meet specifications within budget and on schedule. In the past, owners and specifiers who wanted to use a membrane/EPDM roof on their building projects could not take advantage of the benefits of pre-engineered steel systems construction. Now, with the Deck Frame Roofing System they can! Along with the design efficiency of steel systems construction and faster on site assembly of an all steel building, you can have the quality and economics you desire.