Panel Rib Roofing
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Panel Rib Roofing System
Panel Rib Roof is an economical choice for an attractive, high quality, low maintenance roof
This attractive, high-quality, low-maintenance metal roof is ideal for tight budgets. The 36"-wide panel is attached with self-drilling, stainless steel color-matched fasteners. This metal roof system offers you enhanced roof integrity and quicker installation. Sealant is applied to every metal-to-metal contact point, resulting in a weather resistant roof. The panels has 1-1/4" high ribs and comes in lengths up to 43'. Panels are available in either 24 or 26 gauge zinc aluminum coated steel.
Panel Rib Roof is an economical quality roof system that delivers years of performance
Attractive color options and enhanced energy efficiency with cool color choices
Meets the highest standards for certification in the industry
Product ID: Panel Rib Roofing System
If you are on a tight budget, but still need an attractive, high quality, low maintenance roof, the Williams Building Group offers the best combination of economy and durability. Panel Rib Roof panels are standard in 26 gauge with 24 gauge and 22 gauge options. The steel panel is 36” wide with 1 ¼”-high ribs and is available in lengths up to 41’. The panel includes a purlin bearing edge (PBE) for superior strength and rigidity. Additionally, a narrow ridge (anti-capillary bead) runs the length of each side lap for increased weather tightness. The panels are attached with self drilling, color matched fasteners. Installation is fast since no field seaming is required. In addition, the panel’s wide module and long length minimizes side laps and end laps which increases both installation speed and improves weather tightness. Sealant is applied to every metal to metal contact point, resulting in a weather resistant roof. Roof slope can be as low as ½:12. Panel Rib Roof can accommodate up to 6 inches of fiberglass blanket insulation for high levels of energy efficiency. All gauges of our Panel Rib Roof are available with standard Galvalume finish. All gauges of Panel Rib are available in fourteen (14) standard colors with KXL finishes as well as a variety of custom colors. The KXL paint system is a PVDF finish applied to the Galvalume surface to give a long life color that resists fading and chalking. KXL is a 1 mil nom. PVDF finish with a 70% Kynar 500 or Hylar 5000 standard. Our Panel Rib Roof will meet the requirements for UL Class 60 or UL Class 90 wind uplift. Our Panel Rib Roof meets the highest standards and certifications in the industry, including IAS and Miami-Dade County, Florida Product Approvals. Panel Rib is backed by industry leading warranties for material and workmanship.